Kitty rarity factors

0.12 №150
Kitty id: 1815656
Generation: 10
Cooldown: Brisk (2h)
Fancy type: Mars
Shiny Number: 4709
Total kitties: 987
Owner: sakura
Rarity factorFloor priceCurrent countTotal count
Fancy kitty - Mars 0.009 ETH 987 987
Gen 10 ( Min Mars Gen is 6, Max Mars Gen is 3816) 0.014 ETH 123
Mars + olive ( 10% kitties have this eye color) 0.009 ETH 99
Mars is Perfectbreed 0.009 ETH 294

Hidden kitties

Visibility of the H1 genes

Visibility of the H2 genes

Visibility of the H3 genes